Friday, June 23, 2017

How to share variables between threads groups in JMeter

Sometimes when we writing jmeter scripts , we need to share variables between  threads groups in a test plan.  Easiest way to achieve this is use "bsh.shared" shared namespace.
Test Plan
        Thread Group1
        Thread Group2
Assume that you have a test scenario to  pass  the session  of the  Thread Group1 to Thread Group2  in order to create a cookie from  that session.  In order to achive that here I use hashmap
1 Initialize hash map inside a BeanShell Sampler  in top level of Test plan
Map map = new HashMap();
2.  Extract the session and  in a  BeanShell PostProcessor set bsh.shared to map and add session values in Thread Group1
String sessionId = vars.get("SSOAuthSessionID"); // exctracted session
map = bsh.shared.session_map; // set bsh.shared to map
if ("null".equals(sessionId)) {
} else {
  String id = vars.get("sessionID_count"); // I have added a counter varibale  as the key
  map.put(id, sessionId); //Adding elements toMap
3. Retrieve the values in bash.shared.session map using BeanShell PreProcessor in Thread Group 2 and create
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.CookieManager;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Cookie;
map = bsh.shared.session_map;
String id = vars.get("sessionID_count2"); //I have added a counter varibale  as the key
if (map.size() == 0) {} else {
 String sessionId = map.get(id);
 vars.put("portal_session_", sessionId); //Retrieving values in bash.shared.session  
 CookieManager manager = sampler.getCookieManager();
 Cookie cookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID", sessionId, "${serverHostName}", "/user-portal/", false, 0);
 manager.add(cookie); //
Hope that this will find helpful for you.

Monday, August 22, 2016

How to Delete Network Interface using command line.

Using below steps you can remove unwanted network interfaces

1. Running the ifconfig command without any arguments, it will display information about all network interfaces currently in operation.
 br-3b6bfc3c75d3 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:c2:fd:af:40   
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:  
      UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1  
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0  
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0   
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  
 docker0  Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 02:42:20:1a:2f:00   
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:  
      UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1  
      RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0  
      TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0   
      RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)   
 wlan0   Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 08:d4:0c:24:66:b1   
      inet addr: Bcast: Mask:  
      inet6 addr: fe80::ad4:cff:fe24:66b1/64 Scope:Link  
      RX packets:84889 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0  
      TX packets:65370 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0  
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000   
      RX bytes:87479367 (87.4 MB) TX bytes:9885932 (9.8 MB)  

2. Select the network interface you need to remove.
For eg :

3 Disable the network interface. Using the “down” flag with interface name.
 sudo ip link set docker0 down  

4. Remove the network bridge name.
 sudo brctl delbr docker0  

Pls note that this is a temporary solution . If you restart  the machine, you have to redo above steps.


Friday, August 19, 2016

Increasing the number of process and sessions in Oracle 12C.

This post explains how to increase the number of process and sessions in Oracle 12C.
1. Log in to the database as system administrator
 sqlplus / as sysdba  
2. Check existing values for sessions and processes.
 show parameter sessions;   
 show parameter processes;  
3. Set the number of processes to you need to increase
 alter system set processes=<no_processes> scope=spfile;  
4. Remove the default session limit
 alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*' ;  
5. Shutdown the database
 shutdown immediate;  
6. Restart listener.
 lsnrctl stop;   
 lsnrctl start;  
7. Startup database
 sqlplus / as sysdba  
8. Check whether the changed values are set.
 show parameter sessions;  
 show parameter processes;   

Please note that when we increase the number for process, its  automatically increase value of  transactions .

Saturday, November 7, 2015

How to configure WSO2 DAS Fully Distributed Setup. (Cluster setup)

This blog post describes how to configure WSO2 DAS Fully Distributed Setup. (Cluster setup)
WSO2 Data Analytics Server 3.0.0 combines real-time, batch, interactive, and predictive (via machine learning) analysis of data into one integrated platform to support the multiple demands of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, as well as mobile and Web apps. For more info
The following diagram describes the fully-distributed deployment pattern. This pattern is used as high availability deployment .
  • Download and extract the wso2 DAS 300 (7 nodes)
  • Apache HBase and Apache HDFS cluster
  • MySQL setup 
  • SVN server to use as the deployment synchronizer.
DAS is designed to treat millions of events per second, and capable to handle Big Data volumes. Therefore we are using  Apache HBase and Apache HDFS as  underlying Data Access Layer (DAL) in DAS. The HBase DAL component uses Apache HBase for storing events (Analytics Record Store), and HDFS (the distributed file system used by Apache Hadoop) for storing index information (Analytics File System). To use this HBase DAL component, a pre-configured installation of Apache HBase (version 1.0.0 and upwards) running on top of Apache Hadoop (version 2.6.0 and upwards) is required. It's required that all HBase/HDFS nodes and all DAS nodes are time synced.
If you are not interested in using Apache HBase and Apache HDFS as Data Store you can use RDBMS. In this blog post I'm only focusing on Apache HBase and Apache HDFS as DAS Data Store.
Please note that for each node I only use one DAS pack,it means I use 7 DAS packs in 7 node , so no offset is needed.
You need to off set each node if you need to setup a DAS cluster in a single machine or want to host multiple nodes in a single machine . To avoid port conflicts change the the following property in carbon .xml.

Database configuration

We are using mysql for all carbon related databases, analytics processed record store and metrics db.
1. Create all necessary databases.
create database dasreceiver1; // DAS receiver Node1 local database  
create database dasreceiver2; // DAS receiver Node2 local database  
create database dasanalyzer1; // DAS analyzer Node1 local database  
create database dasanalyzer2; // DAS analyzer Node2 local database  
create database dasindexer1; // DAS indexer Node1 local database  
create database dasindexer2; // DAS indexer Node2 local database  
create database dasdashboard; // DAS dashboard Node local database  
create database regdb; // Registry DB that used to mount to all DAS nodes  
create database userdb; //User DB, that will be shared with all DAS and Gregreate  
create database metrics; // Metrics DB, that will be used for WSO2 Carbon Metrics  
create database analytics_processed_data_store; // This will use for store analytics processed record

2. In each node (all 7 nodes),  add the following database configuration.
Open master-datasources.xml

Please note that when changing WSO2_CARBON_DB use relevant DB for relevant node .(For eg; receiver1 node use dasreceiver1 db as WSO2_CARBON_DB )

<datasources-configuration xmlns:svns="http://org.wso2.securevault/configuration">
            <description>The datasource used for registry and user manager</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

            <description>The datasource used for registry and user manager</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

            <description>The datasource used for registry and user manager</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

  • Open metrics-datasources.xml and add the below configurations.

<datasources-configuration xmlns:svns="http://org.wso2.securevault/configuration">


    <!-- MySQL -->
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>
  • Open analytics-datasources.xml and add the below configurations.

Uncomment the HBase HDFSDataSourceReader, HbaseDataSourceReader as shown below.

By specifying the datasource configurations as follows, you can configure HBase Datasource ( setting up a connection to a remote HBase instance.) Please comment RDBMS specific configuration for WSO2_ANALYTICS_RS_DB_HBASE .

            <description>The datasource used for analytics file system</description>
            <definition type="HBASE">
By specifying the datasource configurations as follows you can configure HDFS Datasource ( setting up a connection to a remote HDFS instance.) Please comment RDBMS specific configuration for WSO2_ANALYTICS_FS_DB_HDFS.

            <description>The datasource used for analytics file system</description>
            <definition type="HDFS">
By specifying the datasource configurations as follows you can configure RDBMS Datasource for Analytics processed data store.

            <description>The datasource used for analytics record store</description>
            <definition type="RDBMS">
                    <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>
  • In each node ,you have mapped habse/hdfs host names and ips in host file. das300-hdfs-master das300-hdfs-slave2 das300-hdfs-slave1
Other configurations
1. Open carbon.xml file and  do the below configurations.
  • Add the necessary host names

  • Below changes must do in order to set the Deployment synchronization . Note that AutoCommit option is set to true in the only in one receiver node .

2. Open axis2.xml file and  do the below configurations.
  • Enable the hazelcast clustering

<clustering class="org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.HazelcastClusteringAgent" enable="true">
  • Change the membershipScheme to wka

<parameter name="membershipScheme">wka</parameter>
  • Change the domain, all cluster nodes will join to same domain.

<parameter name="domain"></parameter>
  • Change the local member host by adding the IP of the each node with port.

<parameter name="localMemberHost"></parameter>
<parameter name="localMemberPort">4000</parameter>
  • Add all other well known members with ports. (other 6 nodes IP and port)

2. Open registry.xml file and  do the below configurations for registry mounting.


    <dbConfig name="wso2registry">

    <dbConfig name="govregistry">
  <remoteInstance url="https://localhost">

  <mount path="/_system/governance" overwrite="true">
 <mount path="/_system/config" overwrite="true">
3. Open user-mgt.xml file and  do the below configurations.

<Property name="dataSource">jdbc/WSO2_DAS_UM</Property>
Analyzer nodes related configurations (for apache Spark) .
Here we are using 2 analyzer nodes , as we are using this setup as a highly available setup we need to have 2 spark master nodes. For that need to change master count as 2 in spark-defaults.conf files 2 anlyser nodes .

(Basically when one node goes down other node automatically start as spark master.( Fail over situation )

carbon.spark.master.count  2
You need to create a symbolic link in each DAS node as  a clustered DAS deployment, the directory path for the Spark Class path is different for each node depending on the location of the <DAS_HOME>. The symbolic link redirects the Spark Driver Application to the relevant directory for each node when it creates the Spark class path. Therefore, you need add a symbolic path for both analyzer nodes in spark-defaults.conf. /home/das_symlink
Note using following command you can create symbolic path in linux.

ln-s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink 
sudo ln -s /home/analyzer1/analyzer  /home/das_symlink
Starting the cluster
When starting the instances you can provide predefined profiles to start the instances as receiver nodes, analyzer nodes or Indexer node.
./ -receiverNode start
./ -analyzerNode start
./ -receiverNode start
When you starting dashboard node you need to add some start up parameters to file

Add following highlighted parameters and start the sever.

-Xbootclasspath/a:"$CARBON_XBOOTCLASSPATH" \
-Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m \
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError \
-XX:HeapDumpPath="$CARBON_HOME/repository/logs/heap-dump.hprof" \
-classpath "$CARBON_CLASSPATH" \
-Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS" \"$CARBON_HOME/tmp" \
-Dcatalina.base="$CARBON_HOME/lib/tomcat" \
-Dwso2.server.standalone=true \
-Dcarbon.registry.root=/ \
-Djava.command="$JAVACMD" \
-Dcarbon.home="$CARBON_HOME" \
-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager \
-Dcarbon.config.dir.path="$CARBON_HOME/repository/conf" \
-Djava.util.logging.config.file="$CARBON_HOME/repository/conf/etc/" \
-Dcomponents.repo="$CARBON_HOME/repository/components/plugins" \
-Dcom.atomikos.icatch.file="$CARBON_HOME/lib/" \
-Dcom.atomikos.icatch.hide_init_file_path=true \
-Dorg.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.STRICT_QUOTE_ESCAPING=false \
-Dorg.apache.jasper.runtime.BodyContentImpl.LIMIT_BUFFER=true \
-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.authentication=simple \
-Dcom.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout=3000 \
-Dorg.terracotta.quartz.skipUpdateCheck=true \ \
-Dfile.encoding=UTF8 \ \ \
-DdisableAnalyticsStats=true \
-DdisableEventSink=true \
-DisableIndexThrottling=true \
-DdisableAnalyticsEngine=true \
-DdisableAnalyticsExecution=true \
-DdisableIndexing=true \
-DdisableDataPurging=true \
-DdisableAnalyticsSparkCtx=true \
-DdisableAnalyticsStats=true \
org.wso2.carbon.bootstrap.Bootstrap $*
If you have not already created the necessary tables in the DBs, you can start the servers with the –Dsetup. Eg:

./ -receiverNode -Dsetup start

Start  servers according to  following sequence.
1 Receiver Nodes
2 Analyzer Nodes
3 Indexer Nodes
4 Dashboard Node

If cluster is successfully setup, Members successfully join cluster  message can be seen in  the carbon log

[-1] [] [2015-10-21 12:07:50,815]  INFO
-  Member joined [6974cb1c-8403-4711-9408-9de0cfaadda2]:
[-1] [] [2015-10-21 12:08:05,043]  INFO
-  Member joined [3ebbg27b-91db-4d98-8c8a-95e2604e3a9c]:

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to use ZAP tool to run a Security Vulnerability Test

The ZAP (OWASP Zed Attack Proxy ) is an integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. A significant part of ZAP is active scanning for known vulnerabilities, like SQL injection etc. For more details
  • You can download zap tool from
  • Unzip the pack and start the pack according to your platform
1. First we need to activate ZAP as a proxy. Open ZAP -> Tools -> Options -> Local Proxy. Then add address and port to listen for requests
Address: localhost
Port: 8085

2. Change the local browser to use this proxy. (I'm using Firefox here)
Settings -> Network -> Proxy Settings

 3. Using the proxy change web browser access the application (all the work flows) you wish to run the security scan.(All scenarios you wish to run the security test will be recorded ).As you see in the history tab you will find all URls with their security level, recorded by ZAP.
4. Running Active scan for recorded scenarios. (Active scanning is find potential vulnerabilities by using known attacks against the selected targets).
  • As you see in the image select the site you wish to scan and click active scan.It will pop up a new window press start scan button in that window. It will scan selected site links (POST and Get Requests) .
  • Once security vulnerability has been found it will be noted at the bottom left hand corner of the Interface with a flag indicating the risk: High, Medium, Low, Informational, and False Positives. as shown.
  • For detail description select alert tab. 

Note that ZAP has given you the benefit of exporting findings as Reports.