Friday, August 19, 2016

Increasing the number of process and sessions in Oracle 12C.

This post explains how to increase the number of process and sessions in Oracle 12C.
1. Log in to the database as system administrator
 sqlplus / as sysdba  
2. Check existing values for sessions and processes.
 show parameter sessions;   
 show parameter processes;  
3. Set the number of processes to you need to increase
 alter system set processes=<no_processes> scope=spfile;  
4. Remove the default session limit
 alter system reset sessions scope=spfile sid='*' ;  
5. Shutdown the database
 shutdown immediate;  
6. Restart listener.
 lsnrctl stop;   
 lsnrctl start;  
7. Startup database
 sqlplus / as sysdba  
8. Check whether the changed values are set.
 show parameter sessions;  
 show parameter processes;   

Please note that when we increase the number for process, its  automatically increase value of  transactions .

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